This Good Friday: Will You Be Like The Little Black Dog?

Meaning of Good Friday

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In three days Christians will be observing Good Friday.  This is the day that Jesus suffered a horrible, agonizing death on a cross to make people acceptable to God.  He did this to erase the sins that we all commit.  We achieve goodness and perfection only through Jesus without whom we are nothing.

Forgotten Meaning

Unfortunately, this fact has been forgotten by too many people.  I watch as people continue to focus on personal needs and ignore the truths that Jesus taught.  Jesus has been left to hang on the cross alone with only a few followers who say, “We love you and are here to continue to teach what you taught.”

Make A Better Place

This world would be a much better place if people could only feel the compassion felt by the little black dog in the following poem.  In other words, if we could rise to the level of the little black dog, and put Jesus and others before ourselves.

Image created by Chrystal Oaks

Poem: The Little Black Dog

 I wonder if Christ had a little black dog
 All curly and wooly like mine;
 With two long silky ears,
 And a nose round and wet,
 And two eyes brown and tender that shine.
 I’m afraid he hadn’t because I have read
 How He prayed in the garden alone;
 For all his friends and disciples had fled-
 Even Peter-the one called a stone.
 And I’m so sure that the little black dog
 With heart so tender and warm,
 Would never have left Him to suffer alone
 But creeping right under His arm
 Would have licked the dear fingers
 in agony clasped
 And counting all favors but loss;
 When they took Him away
 Would have trotted behind
 And followed Him right to the Cross.

- Author Unknown

Final Thought

On this Good Friday where will you be found?  Will you be focusing on your own interests or will you be at the foot of the cross on which our Savior hangs?  As one well-known hymn asks, “Were you there when they crucified my Lord?”

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